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Trim and Chop — iMPC Pro Log




Meet the Mixer — iMPC Pro Log



The iMPC Pro Mixer is where you mix your project… what else! There’s a lot under the hood including on-board EQ, compression, FX sends, automation, and more.

iMPC Pro Log showcases the latest features from the freshest development build of iMPC Pro, the upcoming beat production iPad app from Akai Professional and Retronyms. A new video drops every week until we launch!



Meet the Flux Link — iMPC Pro Log


The Flux Link is an expressive performance control in iMPC Pro that lets you glitch and drop the beat of your Sequences.

iMPC Pro Log showcases the latest features from the freshest development build of iMPC Pro, the upcoming beat production iPad app from Akai Professional and Retronyms. A new video drops every week until we launch!



Timeline Editor — iMPC Pro Log


Edit your notes and beats directly! iMPC Pro’s Timeline Editor is built for multitouch. Responsive, gestural, and powerful editing capabilities let you craft your sequences.



Precision Knob — iMPC Pro Log




iMPC Pro (Version 1.0) App
カテゴリ: ミュージック
価格: ¥2,000
デベロッパ名: Akai Professional
リリース日: 2014/07/08
現Ver.の平均評価: (無し / 0件の評価)
通算の平均評価: (無し / 0件の評価)




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