iPhone/iPad用無料アプリ 「PhonoPaper」紙に音を書いてカメラから音を鳴らすアイデア・アプリ

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PhonoPaper (Version 1.0) App
カテゴリ: ミュージック
価格: 無料
デベロッパ名: Alexander Zolotov
リリース日: 2014/04/25
現Ver.の平均評価: (5 / 1件の評価)
通算の平均評価: (無し / 0件の評価)




iPhone スクリーンショット 1
iPhone スクリーンショット 2
iPhone スクリーンショット 3
iPhone スクリーンショット 4


iPad スクリーンショット 1
iPad スクリーンショット 2
iPad スクリーンショット 3



PhonoPaper is:
• format of graphical representation of the sound (music, human voice, etc.); in other words, it is the 2D audio barcode (by analogy with the QR-code);
• real-time PhonoPaper-code reader (using the camera);
• PhonoPaper-code generator (sound to image converter).

— In case of some problems, please reduce the Quality parameter in the app menu. Or contact me directly: nightradio@gmail.com —

Key features:
• PhonoPaper-code is analogue, so it is not so sensitive to different types of the image distortion (bad camera, dark picture, wrinkled paper, etc.); at least you will hear the “silhouette” of the original sound;
• PhonoPaper does not require access to the network; its code is self-contained;
• PhonoPaper-code can be played in real-time with hand-controlled speed and direction;
• PhonoPaper-code can be drawn by hand (paper version of the Virtual ANS synth);
• PhonoPaper is free!

Examples of usage:
• voice messages (or pieces of music) on the billboards, posters, postcards, goods;
• audio labels for phonorecords;
• audio examples in some textbooks;
• art-experiments;
• learning the basics of the spectral music.

PhonoPaper is based on the Virtual ANS engine – it is a software simulator of the unique Russian synthesizer ANS. So if you want to make more complex PhonoPaper-codes – use the Virtual ANS.

Default PhonoPaper-code length is 10 seconds. But you can make it shorted or longer – playing speed can be changed manually.

Official website with examples and FAQ: http://warmplace.ru/soft/phonopaper

Please try my other apps:
• PixiVisor;
• SunVox;
• PixiTracker;
• Virtual ANS.




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