Ableton Live 9「曲作りのためのテクニックまとめ」

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アレンジメント・モード 10テクニック パート2


10 MORE Workflow Tips for Ableton Live: ARRANGE MODE






アレンジメント・モード 10テクニック パート1


10 Workflow Tips for Ableton Live: ARRANGE MODE











10 MORE tips for Ableton Live Session mode


11. in-key midi, on the grid: 0:25
12. ‘insert blank scene’ for breakdowns: 2:58
13. freezing blank tracks for organization: 4:04
14. unlooping clips: 5:08
15. dummy clips (and you): 5:38
16. get rid of clip names: 8:46
17. session to arrange back to session: 9:30
18. removing the stop button: 10:26
19. ad-hoc DJ mode: 11:10
20. perfect/magic sends: 13:07





 1. Using automation AND modulation, together: 0:21
2. Using silent clips in a follow action block: 3:00
3. Record follow actions while changing timing intervals: 4:20
4. Default Templates… for days: 5:15
5. Random melody generator: 6:16
6. Looped playback scrubber for resampling: 9:07
7. Using Symbols in tracks names: 10:25
8. Muting things with sidechain gate: 10:58
9. Copy to siblings for drumracks: 13:28
10. Show devices: 15:11



ワークフロー・テクニック 20個

20 Workflow Tips for Production with Ableton Live 9



Table of Contents (but I obviously recommend you watch the whole thing):

1. Use unlinked clip envelopes for sound design 0:20
2. Place 3 identical LFOs in one rack for a quick mod source; slightly offset them 1:42
3. chop before duplicating 2:33
4. deactivate all resampled channels; bring in clips to write sequences 3:50
5. default audio track on ‘resampling’ 5:10
6. instrument racks + chain selector for morphing synths 5:40
7. sidechain as external input for envelope follower 6:57
8. OS level macros for repetitive keyboard presses 9:35
9. playback scrubber with a muted clip to find cool parts of a clip 10:52
10. warping with the BPM slider 13:13
11. perfect high/low split (using phase cancelation) 14:16
12. empty midi track for project organization 16:42
13. audio buffer rate and CPU resources (and you!) 17:37
14. cleaning up session clips to free resources 18:16
15. using folders named ‘——–‘ as dividers 18:43
16. audio follow is cool 19:06
17. recording against a loop forever 19:41
18. using a muted chopping block track that you can solo to find parts 20:53
19. duplicating effects in a row 22:18
20. slice to midi + randomizer + short midi clips + skrillex (or whatever) 23:23



Ableton Ableton / Live 9 Standard DAWソフトウェア

B00BLI4MJU PC_Shop amazonrakutenSoundHouse
Mobile_Shop amazonrakuten
アーティスト / 著者 Ableton
会社 / 出版社

Ableton Ableton / Live 9 Suite DAWソフトウェア

B00BLI5KF0 PC_Shop amazonrakutenSoundHouse
Mobile_Shop amazonrakuten
アーティスト / 著者 Ableton
会社 / 出版社

エイブルトン / Push2 Ableton Live コントローラー

B017H4LJWY PC_Shop amazonrakutenSoundHouse
アーティスト / 著者 Ableton
会社 / 出版社 Ableton
発売日  2015 / 11 / 2

Ableton エイブルトン Ableton エイブルトンプッシュ Ableton Push

B00BLUMB3W PC_Shop amazonrakutenSoundHouse
Mobile_Shop amazonrakuten
アーティスト / 著者 Ableton
会社 / 出版社





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