iPadアプリ『Phase84』登場! カシオCZシンセサイザーを模倣

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Phase Distortion(位相の歪み)を利用したデジタル・シンセサイザー

80年代のカシオ CZシリーズのシンセサイザーを模倣



Tabletop App (無料)内でiMPC Pro App やiMini App など同様に内部アプリとして利用可能


MIDI サポート、inter-App Audio 対応


Phase84 (Version 1.0) App
カテゴリ: ミュージック
価格: ¥1,600
デベロッパ名: Retronyms Inc
リリース日: 2014/12/16
現Ver.の平均評価: (無し / 0件の評価)
通算の平均評価: (無し / 0件の評価)

iPad スクリーンショット

iPad スクリーンショット 1
iPad スクリーンショット 2
iPad スクリーンショット 3
iPad スクリーンショット 4
iPad スクリーンショット 5


Phase84 is a next generation phase distortion synthesizer. It fuses gritty digital sounds with traditional analog punch.

Phase84 is a Tabletop Ready App. Combine Phase84 with drum machines, sequencers, effects, and more inside Tabletop — a free modular music app for iPad.

Phase84 is an extremely capable synthesizer and features over 110 presets, containing all sorts of basses, leads, pads, bell tones, sweeps, atmospheric sounds, pseudo-realistic tones, and more. While you don’t need to know much about synthesizers to get a lot out of Phase84, experienced synth tweakers will be thrilled at the sheer variety of unique sounds that can be produced with this incredibly versatile synth.

So What’s Phase84 All About?

Phase84 is what’s known as a Phase Distortion synthesizer. This form of waveshaping synthesis has its roots in Casio’s brilliant CZ line of digital synthesizers from the 80s. It is designed to have the warmth of a subtractive (analog) synthesizer, yet be capable of the squelchy tones and sharp attacks of an FM synth. Phase84 in particular can create warm pads, glitchy sounds, dirty basses, filthy sweeps, screaming leads, and anything in-between.

For those familiar with the typical Moog-like (or iMini-like!) synthesis, think of the “shaper” as being synonymous with “brightness” or “filter cutoff”.

More than 100 presets.
MIDI support.
inter-App Audio support.
Advanced Keyboard section.
Expressive Perform Mode with Groove Gate.
Tabletop Ready App.
Precision Knob mode.
Phat, naturalistic unison feature for super thick pads and sweeps.
Oscillator Section: 9 Params, 2 General-Purpose Oscillators, 1 Formant Oscillator.
Mix Section: 8 Params including Delay Amount and Pulse Width.
Envelope Section: Amplitude and Shaper Envelopes. Fully visualized and interactive ADSR plus special Fade Param.
Delay/Filter Section: Stereo delay with loss modeling and a punchy overdriven analog-style filter.
3 LFOs: More flexible than your average LFO, this has 4 waveforms, optional delay and repeat count, and can go into the audible frequency range.



Tabletop (Version 2.7) App
カテゴリ: ミュージック
価格: 無料
デベロッパ名: Retronyms Inc
リリース日: 2011/07/28
現Ver.の平均評価: (1 / 1件の評価)
通算の平均評価: (3 / 75件の評価)



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