プロデューサー JR Rotem Fall Out Boy の「Centuries」トラック解説

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JR Rotem: Fall Out Boy ‘Centuries’



Producer JR Rotem is no stranger to success but, until ‘Centuries’, it was confined to pop and urban genres. We find out how the song was constructed and walk through the session files.

JR has become known for using famous samples in his tracks, and there are no prizes for spotting the one used in ‘Centuries’. The earworm that is the refrain from ‘Tom’s Diner’ by Suzanne Vega formed the basis for the track, but it’s the melding of rock guitars and vocals with hip-hop elements and pop production that makes the piece interesting.

We examine the production, listening to individual parts and discuss the techniques used to get all those seemingly disparate elements to work together as a cohesive whole. We also find out how the track was conceived, how Fall Out Boy came to record it, and get some of JR’s top tips for crafting a successful track.



Fall Out Boy – Centuries (Official Video)



フォール・アウト・ボーイ/American Psych

B00QBEQWII PC_Shop amazonrakuten
アーティスト / 著者 Island
会社 / 出版社 Island
発売日 2015-01-19






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